This story has a little of everything- it's set in an exotic country with adventure, mystery, and even romance. The main character is dealing with some problems and has escaped to Brazil to pursue her budding journalism career. While there, she becomes obsessed with trying to solve a murder that has recently taken place. Between flashbacks of what is going on back home and her trips with her father and a dreamy photographer, Jimmy, who is off limits to her, she begins to understand who she is and the lengths to which she will go to prove herself. This story wasn't the best book I have ever read but I did enjoy it. The character of Emma was relatable and you found yourself rooting for her to be accepted and to figure out what happened to Milton Silva. She goes through a lot over the course of the book and its fun to see how she grows and maneuvers her way out of some sticky situations. I also really enjoyed the character of Jimmy. He's a sweet guy who is trying to make a name for himself away from a career that his family has laid out for him. There are some sexually explicit scenes so beware of younger readers picking up this title. I would give Amazon Burning 3 stars out of 5 mainly because it took me so long to get into it. Give it a shot, it turned out to be a pretty enjoyable read. :-)
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Learn more about to author, Victoria Griffith. (The following information is taken from the Amazon Burning press release.)
Victoria Griffith is the author of the award winning non-fiction picture book The Fabulous Flying
Machines of Alberto Santos-Dumont (Abrams, 2011), which won numerous awards, including the
prestigious Parents’ Choice. The book was recently translated into Portuguese for the Brazilian market
and was also released in audio book version.
Before becoming a full-time author, Victoria spent twenty years as an international journalist, fifteen
of those years as foreign correspondent for the UK’s Financial Times. During that time, she had fun
writing on a wide range of topics, including Brazil’s Yanomami Indians, architecture, space exploration,
the human genome, and the growth of the Internet. She even managed to fit in some children’s book
reviews. Her most terrifying assignment was preparing lunch for Julia Child, who praised the Brazilian
fish stew but refused to touch the blackberry dessert. Victoria lives in Boston with her husband and three daughters.